Wednesday 18 January 2012

Mardi Gras and Marinet

It has been a strange few days, though that is common here in Haiti.
We began the cycle of Mardi Gras in Jacmel on Sunday.

There seemed to be wave after wave of people "blacked up" for the event. The people who are eager to get involved covered themselves in a black tar like substance and ran up the street. To be honest I have not asked what the "masking" with black signifies and perhaps I shall explore that further in another installment, as we have another Mardi Gras this Sunday, which I should also like to get some photographs of.

It was only a day or so after that Papa Danis announced that he had something for me to photograph and help with. I wandered back to Cyvadier to find a well organised pile of wood, and foliage, from the tree that had been cut down to make tambour from. Papa was workinf away at arranging the foliage and started to throw rocks on top of it, so I jumped in to give him a hand.

We continued work for some time and then decided that with the sunlight leaving we would continue the following day. As we worked I had the distinct impression form Marinet that it was time to give her a goat, and due to the nature of the work at hand it made a little too much sense. I mentioned it to Papa Danis and we organised to purchase a goat the following morning.

Papa Danis managed to secure a beautiful goat and so we continued on the work. It was Tuesday and so perfect to work with the Petwo Lwa. Regardless of anything we were doing what was not only asked of us though what we enjoy greatly, working with the Lwa.

The goat was lowered into the middle of the pile of rocks and we prepared to hold the prayer. My brother, Sonson was coming along for the work, and we started our own prayers, prior to singing La Priye Ginen. The time eventually came and we lit the fire. It was a beautiful and sad occasion. I find that every time we brule Marinet I end up fighting back some tears. There is a strange sadness and release that comes with this particular service. Whilst the fire was not intended for this purpose initially, and so the building of the wood and rocks differs from the traditional brule Marinet, it was she who asked for this work at this time.

There was a strange phenomena during the burning process. Somehow the goat was released from the centre of the fire. She escaped into the garden though did not run away. Not one hair was burned. With the collapsing wood and the rocks caving in, there was no reasonable explanation of this. Marinet was happy and the last photo actually shows that within the flames a goats head appeared and then left. The work was done.

Today we gave the goat to Papa Danis' father to look after, and made him very happy. The fire still smoulders and we have been smiled upon. I was very happy that this turned out the way it did, and due to specific circumstance not only are the Lwa thankful for the work that we have done, though also an old man is very happy.

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